Day Twenty-One: Trolling

The Papal flag flies over a pub!
I started this morning visiting the Veritas Catholic bookstore.  Going around the aisles I found a number of interesting and useful things.  The Irish Bishops have managed to publish books of the Eucharistic Prayers for concelebrating priests already for the Mass.  There was also an interesting book on the Holy Spirit by the Abbot of Glenstall Abbey.  He seems to be pointing out that the work of the Spirit is often being done under the radar by artists and poets.  I am looking forward to the read. 

I stopped into a CD shop (especially for those of you who wondering if this blog is going to return to its proper roots).  I found a variety of recordings of traditional Irish music.  One is strictly harp music another strictly music played on the Irish bagpipes.  I included some vocal music of Mary Black and some other traditional songs too.  These will be little gems to be savoured on my return as many of them are on labels not easily found at home and not available for download. 

I then made my way to the Congress again where we celebrated Mass followed by a serving of hot lasagna with friends and then a bit of a singalong back at the hotel accompanied by the harp. 

Tomorrow morning we are scheduled to celebrate Mass at the Newman Centre in Dublin.  Cardinal Newman's connection to Dublin is direct, so it will be very nice to celebrate Mass in buildings directly associated with him. 

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